Thursday, June 28, 2007


WASHINGTON — A defiant group of senators refused to continue down the path of a widely unpopular immigration reform bill Thursday, putting up a roadblock on a procedural debate and squeezing out any time left to work on one of President Bush’s top domestic priorities.

Even before the end of the vote, FOX News had tallied 15 vote changes from two days earlier, putting an end to the doomed legislation.

As day broke Thursday ahead of a vote to cut off debate, it appeared only the White House believed the bill could be saved. An increasing number of senior Senate aides and outside lobbyists who support the bill reconciled themselves to defeat.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fred on the Founders

From (From his speech last night in Nashville)

To me, this is the key item from Fred's Nashville speech on June 26 and will be the key to his winning the presidency!

(4) The Wisdom of the Founders

We should turn our thoughts and attention back to out two founding documents - the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. In the Declaration we find our common values - a nation under God where our rights our given to us by our Creator. It is not in the powers of men or government to take them away. Governments and men are to uphold and defend these rights - that is why they are instituted. We are to be a free people - holding properties, participating in free commerce, respecting the liberties of others, and fostering a culture of Life. It is in our founding. We are not just given principles by our founders, but a form that tries to ensure that those principles will be made manifest and maintained for generations to come. That is where we must look to the Constitution as a system designed to ensure and guard those liberties for a long, long time. With its clear sets of checks and balances, separation of powers, and delineation of power and responsibility of Federal and State governments, it gives us a rich and true guideline for guarding and nurturing the rights of a free people into a prosperous state.

Bikers for Fred on Bikers for Fred (You Tube)

Bikers for Fred on You Tube

Thanks to Kleinhac for posting the "Bikers for Fred video! I don't know how to embed it so I'll just provide a link!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Welcome to Bikers for Fred

Election time is here again.... damn, ain't it a bit early? OK, so the campaigns have gotten underway like since the day after Bush got sworn in. McCain, Guiliani, Romney, Ron Paul, Hillary, Obama, etc... almost household names already. But do you know anything about them? Do they have a political philosopy of freedom? Ron Paul is one who supports freedom in many respects but is he electable? I think not as a Republican candidate and certainly not as an independent. The rest, just look at their history. You won't like like what you see as it relates to the one thing bikers know more about than most, freedom and individual liberty.

Tennessee bikers and Fred Thompson actually have a relationship that dates back to his first campaign for Senate. Many bikers volunteered for his campaign, rallies and fundraisers were held, his campaign benefitted from the support of Tennessee bikers and he understands our positions on government intrusion into matters of personal liberty.

Do you really want Hillary's "Universal Health Care"? Obama's expansion of entitlement programs or anyone's amnesty for illegal aliens and open borders. Me neither. We need less government that is more responsive to the needs of the citizens. I believe Fred Thompson is the man for the job.

I will post items of interest and link to Fred stories on other sites so that you may get to know him through the eyes of a fellow biker and freedom loving citizen. Thanks for dropping by.

Bikers for Fred!